encore en Asie...........

Publié le par jesssoph

merci de regarder ce lien, et si vous voulez faire qq chose, il suffit de se laisser guider à la fin de l'article tout est indiqué , c trés simple et ça prend juste le temps d'envoyer un mail !! merci pour eux !!

le tout ce passe bien en Chine, on extermine les animaux errants en prévision des olympiques de 2008, cliquez sur ce lien pour voir toute les photos, vous allez comprendre :



In preparation for the Olympic Games to be held in Beijing in 2008, China has decided that it is time to tackle the problem of stray dogs. Due to fears of rabies, these animals are not generally eaten and have become widespread in some cities. Instead of introducing a plan of spay and neuter as has been done in many more civilised countries, the Chinese solution is far more immediate and, not surprisingly, brutal. The photos on this page were taken in Cixi between 10th and 16th October 2004 where an unverified estimate of 40,000 dogs were slaughtered.


Long poles with a wire loop at one end are used by dog-wardens throughout the world as an efficient and safe method of catching dogs. But this is China and this device is put to a particularly Chinese use........

Here the operation is performed by a two man team. While one man holds the dog helpless with his pole, his partner beats it to death with his.

Not only is this done legally, but these men (police and volunteers) are paid a bounty by the local authorities for every dog they kill. All of which lends serious doubt to China's claimed intention to introduce animal welfare legislation.


These bands of killers roam the city streets slaughtering any dogs they find. Pet dog ownership is not encouraged in China, due both to the Chinese obsession with eating anything that moves, and to Mao Tse Tung's declaration of them to be a symbol of the bourgeoisie. (Registration costs around US$125 with an annual renewal of US$62. Average annual income is around US$3,000.) These dogs also are not safe however. Any dog found on the street is immediately killed.

This is soon to be repeated throughout China, with the blessing and encouragement of the national government.

A similar "cleansing operation" is planned in the city of Guilin in Guangxi Province in December 2004.


Please send polite emails to the addresses at the foot of this page. If you can, please write an original, although an example is provided below.

Dear Sir

In 2008 when Beijing hosts the Olympic Games, your country will become the focus of more media attention than it has faced for many years. Obviously you want to present an image of a forward looking and compassionate nation. Any efforts you are making to this effect are however being completely undermined by the handling of the stray dog problem in your cities. Photographs taken in the city of Cixi in October 2004 are already circulating on the internet.

I understand that the stray dog population is a cause for concern, and that it poses a threat of rabies. Other countries have however faced this problem in the past and dealt with it successfully without having to resort to employing men to beat dogs to death. Spay and neuter programs where the animals are returned to the streets are a humane and efficient solution. The life of a street dog is not long. Such a program started now would ensure that this problem is solved long before 2008. There are many governments and organisations experienced in these programs who would be very pleased to give you information on how this method could be implemented in China.

The Olympic Games present China with a rare opportunity to show the world that it is ready to take its place in the civilised world. To do this, it must show that it can demonstrate compassion by handling problems such as this without resorting to mass slaughter, as it did with the civet cats during the SARS epidemic. Attention is now focused on Guilin in Guangxi Province to see if this massacre is repeated there in December 2004.


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à Propos de l'Asie et du fait que mon ami a mangé du chien...<br /> Je suis bien entendu contre le fait de manger du chien, je ne mange pas de cheval, de veau, d'agneau, de lapin, de veau etc...<br /> Mais en Corée, là où est mon ami pour voyage d'affaire, il est invité par des clients, la viande se sert en sauce et ce sont des mélanges de viandes. Stefan n'a rien senti de "canin" et n'en a rien sû, ce n'est pas écrit sur la carte...<br /> Je trouve ca ecoeurant. Mais j'espère que ca t'enlève un petit peu les frissons que tu as eut en allant me visiter.<br /> Saches en tout cas que tous les 2 (Stefan et moi), on aime les bêtes et on prends bien soin de nos 4 pensionnaires... qui j'espère seront 5 dans pas longtemps (une chienne aveugle que je voudrais recupérer mais Stefan n'est pas au courant encore...)<br /> Bisous Sophie et saches que je te soutiens de tout mon coeur!
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j'ai signé la pétition ! j'espere que cette boucherie s'arretera un jour !!
j'en ai profité pour te refaire un article sur mon blog.Je te ferais régulièrement de la pub, ton blog mérite tous les encouragements qu'il reçoit! Merci de t'être lancé dans des sujets durs mais très courageux<br /> Pensées amicales<br /> Della
Afin de multiplier les chances d'adoption des animaux que tu présentes, j'ai copier les annonces les plus urgentes de ton texte libre pour le mettre dans un texte libre à moi. J'invite biensûr les visiteurs à cliquer sur ton blog pour les voir toutes, je n'ai mit que celles des animaux menacés d'euthanasie! si cela te gêne biensûr dis le moi, je l'enlèverais<br /> Merci encore pour ton blog (je viens de faire sa pub sur mon forum une de mes amies à une renarde bléssée par un "co....d" de chasseur...sais tu qui pourrait l'aider à la soigner? les vétos de sa région refusent de se déplacer! pas cool)